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Hey Adam, glad you're still writing new posts ;) And fingers crossed on your research paper getting through review with reasonable feedback! One of the questions that immediately came up for me reading your latest write-up is to what extent chemicals that we take up -- either semi-intentionally through food sources, but also entirely unintentionally through air pollution, etc. -- do have an impact, both during gestation and later in life, on "sex functioning"...?

I know this is borderline "blasphemous" to suggest, but I also remember that -- among other outlets -- the Guardian very summarily dismissed claims made by RFK Junior that "(...) chemicals in drinking water could make children transgender." [second paragraph from this link: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jul/19/the-guardian-view-on-robert-f-kennedy-jr-from-camelot-to-conspiracy-mongering]

While it still seems somewhat far fetched, I can at least see that if one includes water coming from plastic bottles in the category of "drinking water", it may at least seem just a tad more plausible (see https://www.endocrine.org/news-and-advocacy/news-room/2020/plastics-pose-threat-to-human-health for instance). And so, I hope that similar to your rather fearless approach of writing on topics that are a bit, well, dicey, more researchers are willing to look in places where it potentially hurts a bit to look.

And with that: overall, I just want to say thank you for taking on topics that you find interesting, even if they might be considered "too hot" for others ;) Cheers!!

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